Patient Education Game

Patient Education Game


Research and concept design for a game to assist pediatric patient experience in long term care

User Research

Service Design

Independent Work


Honors in the College of Arts, Media, and Design

When: January - May 2018 | Where: Northeastern University, Boston, MA


This is the research project I undertook to complete my honors in the College of Arts, Media, and Design at Northeastern. It is an exploration into pediatric patient experience in long term care and a proposed game solution that familiarizes children with their care in a comfortable and engaging way.


The Problem

How might we improve comfort, compliance, and happiness for children whose treatment necessitates an extended stay in the hospital?

The Solution

Conceptualize a game to help pediatric patients understand their treatment and stay connected to their loved ones during their time in the hospital.


I came into this project knowing I wanted to work on something related to pediatrics and hospitals, but wasn't exactly sure what aspect I wanted to tackle, so I began with academic research about pediatric hospital stays.

17.4 days

Average length of pediatric hospital stay


Most common pediatric cancer diagnosis


Survival rate after five years (2010 - 2016)

I chose pediatric Leukemia in part due to it's prevalence, and in part because the high survival rate means patients will likely remember their hospital experience.

Stakeholder Map
Venn Diagram mapping showing the relationship between different people in the patient's life and what their motivations are.

The stakeholder map highlighted the players in the patient's orbit and also the frequency of their interactions.

Experience Maps

I used experience mapping to visually represent and understand the different touch points of the patient's treatment journey.

Experience map showing the steps taken during the diagnosis phase of Leukemia treatment.

The diagnosis phase involves heightened anxiety, but mostly takes place with the family and at home.

Experience map showing the steps taken during the active treatment phase of Leukemia treatment.

The treatment phase involves the bulk of the medical intervention and the prolonged hospital stay.

Experience map showing the steps taken during the remission and maintenance phase of Leukemia treatment.

The maintenance phase involves intermittent returns to the hospital for shorter in-patient stays.

Solution Generation

Through brainstorming, I concluded that the best solution was a game that teaches pediatric patients about their care in a way that is understandable, accessible, and fun for them, by speaking to them in language and metaphors they can understand.

Customized Avatars

The child has an avatar. Care providers may have custom avatars

Class Participation

Teacher facilitates an activity that is then reflected in the game

Activated in Real Time

Game features are activated based on events in the hospital

Measure of Energy Level

The game can be tailored to child’s daily energy level and their treatment plan

Service Blueprint

Using a service blueprint, I considered where the user would interact and what the implications behind the scenes would be at every step.

Hand-drawn sketch of service map showing the different touchpoints of interacting with the game. High fidelity version of service map showing the different touchpoints of interacting with the game.


This project was interesting in that I was able to determine from zero what I wanted to work on and I learned a lot about doing quality UX research and about not beginning to design until research has been fully analyzed. Some of the challenges I encountered included how to encourage playing the game (as opposed to iPhone games or xBox), how to best integrate with the child's classroom, how to configure the game for different situations (prognosis, religious background, etc.).


Miro • Adobe Illustrator • iPad (OneNote sketches)